In a clear win for dogmocracy, #dogsatpollingstations went viral on Twitter on Saturday.
I got a ride in the good car and we went to the local community hall. It’s one of my favourite places because once there were kids and balloons and an entire pig being cooked there and we had a real party!
This time, though, instead of kids and balloons and pigs ears there was a lady who gave me a nice pat and then tried to hand me a how to vote card. No way! This dog knows his own mind when it comes to voting for a representative in Poodlement.
Then I found an old water bottle that someone had dropped in the carpark. Seriously people – look after your things! Don’t you know how much fun an empty water bottle can be? Anyway, you’ve lost your precious and now it’s mine.
Into the polling station we went and there were four more very bored people who were so happy to see me. They finally had someone to show them how to play with a water bottle! I couldn’t vote because the polling booths were all too tall. You can see from the photos below that the dogscrimination was immense. Not a single one of these poor dogs could reach the pencils and they are sitting outside in peaceful protest.
I heard some of them got a Democracy Sausage at the polling stations but there were none at mine. They must have done a Good Sit to get a sausage!
Se you round the ridges,

ps. For more photos of me out and about in this great nation just follow me on Twitter and Facebook.